Our future was held in the palms of your hands
our tickets to discover amazing new lands.
It became apparent not long from the start
that a Love explorer didn't dwell in your heart.
The thrill of the journey, YOU -- did not excite.
The peaks of Love's mountains, lost in the valleys of fights.
Oceans became gulfs, separating our hearts;
their waters always choppy, keeping us apart.
On the rivers and streams of Love's wondrous world,
we never flowed smoothly but seemed to be hurled
from one bank to the other until broken and bruised
we emerged from Love's waters, barely surviving our cruise.
Love's deserts -- no fascination for you could provide.
Endless sand, drought, and thirst were all you derived.
Never seeing the potential of this fluid-deprived land,
you couldn't imagine the castles we could have built in the sand.
The light of Love's sun placed her kiss on your face,
but you ignored this gift that you could have embraced.
A gift so few get, you cursed as too soon,
but Love continued to try, and sent you her moon.
She provided soft light to follow you around
so you could see all the beauty Love had allowed to abound.
She rationed her light to display beauteous advantage
but a nod of appreciation you just never could manage.
But STILL Love maintained; her goals still not reached,
she had found a hurt heart, and she wanted to teach.
So Love gathered her strength and all of her might
because Love NEVER gives up when she knows she is right.
So Love continued to send her wonders your way
showing you more and more beauty with each passing day.
She sent flowers each morning and starlight at night
always anticipating your need to take flight.
Love showed her patience, her presence steadfast
Love wanted you to know she would not leave; she would last.
Love sent fragrance you could smell, and textures to feel
So you could easily recall Love's strong appeal.
Love came from above, below, and around
Love did ALL in her power, YOU, to surround.
Love decided to keep you in her warm embrace
And planned to take you to her special place.
Where you'd be enchanted by all of her charms
Love planned to encircle you in the warmth of her arms.
There, nothing could touch you but Love's protective hand
Which would be yours for the taking, no need for demand.
In return for all this, Love asks one small favor
that your heart just receive her and enjoy all her flavors.
Race up her mountains and know that the valleys below,
Hold their very own wonders, and don't hesitate to go
across Love's dry deserts where great things can be built
and sail Love's great oceans, and enjoy to the hilt
Love's rivers and streams which may toss you around
but somehow she places you back on firm ground.
Bask in Love's sun and play naked in her moon
understanding when one leaves the other returns soon.
Remember Love is kind, not boastful or proud
but don't make the mistake of thinking that Love won't get loud.
Because Love knows when she's right, and will stand, and WILL FIGHT
hanging on to what matters with all of her might.
Love is patient and forgiving and will not stand in your way
if you decide the best thing for you, is walking away.
Love and the wonders of her world are yours for the taking.
Love brings only honesty and has no time for faking.
Love can't be what she's not, but she comes with great power
that will be there for you always, every minute and hour.
Simply reach out to Love and yours she will be;
let Love into your life and set yourself free.
Regrets, there'll be some, and joys, so many more,
but you have to reach out and open Love's door.
With her tenacity and diligence, Love has found you at last.
Now let her soothe and heal the wounds of your past.
Love has finally found you, after a lifetime it seems;
so relax and just bask in the glow of love's beams
© Sharon J. All Rights Reserved 2008
thats beautiful....
i love it
A M A Z I N G !
This is the first poem EVER that accurately describes what Ali is always saying to me in words, deeds, and through the sheer strength of her will. She is my teacher, but this poem could easily have come from her lesson book.
Peace and Love,
Alizé (LoversA.blogspot.com)
@ Kai C. - Thank you;)
@ Zay - Your praise is happily received! However if what you say is truly the case, then my unsolicited advice to you would be to relax and go with her flow as we both KNOW how much that woman loves her some YOU!!
@Sharon: Who you tellin? My teacher has thoroughly whipped sense into me. And I'm not just talking p____y-whipped! LOL
Peace and Love,
Alizé (LoversA.blogspot.com)
Beautiful Sharon, felt like a warm breeze.
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