Reiteration of How We Named this Blog-Project (& select much of the music):
Those of us who came together to create this blog-project came of age along with HipHop. Many of our parents thought HipHop would be a musical fad, much like disco. Instead, HipHop has blossomed into a movement -- and for many, a lifestyle. Clearly not the beginning of HipHop itself - Rappers' Delight was the introduction of HipHop to the world of those who are not native New Yorkers. Twenty-nine years ago, in 1979 Rapper's Delight became the first hip-hop single to go gold. We, the creative team behind Bloggers' Delight...to Write, know that we did not start this phenomena of blogging, but we look forward to introducing the world to blogging as never before imagined! Because : "What you see is not a test!"
Click image for source.