Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Two Days Left to Rock The Vote!

The Poll is UP! Please VOTE!

Seven Brave and Talented WordSmiths have
Stepped UP to this virtual mic to let their
poetic voices take control!

What is this about? The BD2Write First Annual Readers' Choice Award.
Why have they submitted pieces? For Fun, The Title: BD2Write's First Award Winner and a FULL week where ONE and ONLY ONE Writer will post and showcase their talents (poems, short stories, etc.)!
When can we Vote? Readers can vote Feb 15th-29th.
How will we know who won? The poll will indicate the votes. The poet with most votes wins! The Winner will be announced & begin to post on March 1st!
Was there a theme? Yes: HisTory/HerStory/YourStory...The Poetic Voice

**Again, We appreciate your participation: Poets & Voting Readers**


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

congrats to all of yawl, well deserving indeed

Babz Rawls Ivy said...

I think the spirit of the this contest is so loving that I almost want to say it doesn't matter who wins, because there is so much talent here.

Happy Valentine's Day.

I am such a huge fan.

BloggersDelight said...

Torrance and LoveBabz - we agree they are all well deserving artists who have won an abundance of talent.

Shelia said...

Congratulations and I'll go cast my vote.

Sharon shares said...

Just a heads up to let you all know that so far I have about 5 folk planning to attend next week's event with me and I'm still inviting! Can't wait to meet you good people live and in full effect and I love, love, loved the book! More on that next weekend ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the comment PLEASE blog roll me LOL

Anonymous said...

been a long time I shouldn't a left you without a dope beat to step whats up U?
everything good?