Reyna Seaton is the main character and narrator. Reyna was introduced to the world in Bloggers' Delight, Vol. 1's "Rey of Hope". Now, enjoy the "show"...
"... Dammit, Mimi! If she hadn't brought up the whole singles' event earlier today I wouldn't be so focused on the fact that I'm at home with a laptop and a cat while she's out possibly meeting her soul-mate because she didn't give up." A small voice in my head chided, "Don't blame Mimi."
Feeling highly agitated, I pulled out my journal:
All the sexperts write that self-pleasuring is normal and healthy. Then why doesn't it feel healthy to me? The sexperts reason that in order to help another pleasure you, first you had to know what brought you such delights. Well, someone should have written that notice to Antoine who touched me in ways and in places that I didn't know had nerve endings. I could have never pointed him to those spots. And what do the sexperts say about being touched from across the room by a simple glance? I sure as hell could not have ever practiced that on myself. Why did self-pleasuring leave me feeling cheated and more alone than ever? The sexperts never discuss the side effects of all that self-indulgence. There was no one to hold me together and snuggle with after the explosion blew me to pieces. No one to even kiss that special curve at the bottom of my spine. I have concluded that self-discovery was fine for kids, but after junior high school it was simply self-torture. I had to chuckle as I continued to write. In junior high school I thought I had discovered some great secret to the gateways of sexuality. Now that I know the real deal: that's just a waste of good energy and juices. If I'm ever blessed with children I'm going to teach them that as soon as they hit puberty: get your play in now, kids because once you discover the touch of another the thrill will never be the same.
* * *
My journal was cool for venting, but I still needed to hear a male voice.
"Hey, Larry."
"Wha's up, Baby?" He must have noted the heavy inflection in my greeting and added, "You a'right?"
"Yeah…and no"
Larry was one of my ex-lovers who I continued to call from time to time. It was an inexplicable relationship, that I knew was rather unhealthy, but I couldn't fully detach, just yet. Most of the time he irritated me, but he was the one person with whom I felt comfortable bitching and moaning when things weren't feeling okay. I got tired of calling girlfriends to complain, and half the time I'd end up having to cheer them up after listening to their problems, anyway. I hated to burden my parents with more problems since I knew they worried about me enough as it was. My attachment to Larry may have been unhealthy, but I didn't feel guilty when I vented to him. I wasn't sure what he thought of this non-relationship, but he seemed to answer the phone more often now, than when we were officially dating each other. I couldn't worry about him right now, I just needed to bitch and hear a male voice.
* * *
I hope u enjoyed that li'l teaser. Click on the image to read more...
The above excerpt was also read during my May 4th BlogTalkRadio show.