Friday, February 8, 2008



He wanted me
To be a flowing river
Eternally supplying his needs
Him, closed off
Always receiving
Me, feeding him a feast
Him, giving me
Dried up crumbled promises
Only for him to walk away
Me, dangling
Like charms on a bracelet
Along with all the others

©Shai Lynn Kai Davis


Anonymous said...

Go Shai!
Get Busy!
It's ya birthday!

BloggersDelight said...

Shai - Vivid imagery.

Mizrepresent said...

wow, this spoke to the heart.

Unknown said...

That was an awesome poem!

Sharon shares said...


Him, closed off
Always receiving
Me, feeding him a feast

ain't that always the way.

I love it so much I'm scared!

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Only a man can appreciate a good woman. A boy treats her like she's momma, giving no thought to what she provides, as if it is her duty.

Kai said...

you never ease to amaze me, miss shai. :)
this is such a wonderful cool blog. i would love to be a part of the blogger delight. i may not be an author, but i may be your favorite poetess....

Shai said...

Thanks everyone for the compliments.

@Sojourner G: Yeah, that piece was short, swift and powerful. It amazes me everytime I read it.

@Blogger D: I still wonder who you are. LOL. Yeah, the imagery is acute.

@Miz: Yeah it takes me back. I am glad I got "through" that.

@G Johnson: Thanks.

@sharon: Yes it is a trip and no it is not scary you like it is real. The best part is to make thru and be one better.

@MegaRich: I realize it. I always did. I let loneliness get to me and feel for it. Just reinforced what I already knew.

@Kai: Mz poetic wonder. You can join the group. I am a poet not an author yet. I know folks will LOVE your work. You are awesome.

BloggersDelight said...

Thank you for participating in our first Annual Readers' Choice Award. Good luck & Congratulations!